Lubrication Benchmark Analysis

Lubrication Benchmark

The Lubrication Benchmark Analysis is a 5-day, in-depth assessment designed to focus and guide your lubrication program improvement efforts. It provides a gap analysis, a financial cost-justification, a strategic plan for development and specific recommendations, helping you avoid common pitfalls and navigate the path to a highly effective lubrication program.

Gap Analysis

Pinpointing where you are and where you want to be is an important first step on the journey to lubrication excellence. With this gap in mind, we can provide the ideal roadmap to ensure the right resources and efforts are employed along the way.

Financial Impact Review

Lubrication program improvements typically yield remarkable short- and long-term return-on-investment. The Financial Impact Review is a custom benefits analysis with the specific goal of cost-justification. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) across a five-year period are provided.

Strategic Plan and Recommendations

In the final stage of the Lubrication Benchmark Analysis, we create a roadmap to align your current work processes with your goals for the future. The biggest gap and the biggest opportunity for economic improvement are identified and provided in order of importance to give a focused and systematic framework from which you can move forward.

Benchmark Analysis Major Benefits


Cost-justification for lubrication improvements


Actionable recommendations for near-term savings and ROI


Know exactly what to work on first for maximum effectiveness


A roadmap for long-term program sustainability and results


Avoid the common pitfalls and navigate straight to success


Understanding of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

Lubrication Program Development Steps

Here are the steps we take for our Machine Lubrication Consulting through Lubrication Program Development & Optimization.


Benchmark Analysis


Precision Lubrication Practices Development


Linear Route Development




Condition Monitoring with Fluid Forensics


Storage & Handling Improvements



Get Started Today

For more information on our tools or services, or if you are ready to begin, contact us today!

Lubrication Program Development

Improve lubrication work practices, planning, and management.

Benchmark Analysis

Focus and guide your lubrication improvement efforts.

Lubrication Practices Development

Define the work and create SOPs.


Linear Route Development

Create cost-effective and time saving lubrication routes.


Deploy scheduling system and balance routes.

Condition Monitoring Assessment

Create an effective feedback loop with condition monitoring.

Storage & Handling Improvements

Design and specify lubricant storage and handling.


Onsite training to ensure program success.

Fluid Forensics Oil Analysis

Take your oil analysis program to the next level.

PASS+ Exam Prep

Prepare for certification exams on your phone, tablet, or computer!

Course Formats

Public Training

Attend an In-person Event

Private On-site Courses

Bring Us to Your Facility or Other Venue

Recorded Online Courses

Learn at Your Own Pace


Lubrication Tracking and Management Software

Lube Coach Pro

Lubrication Development Tool

Bearing Lubrication Calculators

Quickly Calculate Bearing Lubrication Intervals

Precision Lubrication Magazine

Learn About Precision Lubrication Best Practices